- "Why are we dawdling?" he bellowed. The command ship blurred forward to superluminal speed. “我们在磨蹭什么?”他怒吼道。指挥舰变得模糊起来,进入了超光速状态。
- Why are we holding this memorial meeting? 为什么要开这样的追悼会呢?
- Why are we so far away from the Truth? 为什么离道很远呢?
- Why are we arriving there on the same day? 为什么当天就可以到呢?
- Why are we telling you all this? 为什么我们要告诉你们所有这个呢?
- Why are we tolerant of some crimes? 人们为什么会容忍某些罪行呢?
- Morley : Why are we stopping at a temple? 莫理:我们为何要停在寺庙前?
- Why are we afraid that horror still likes horror? 我们为什么怕恐怖还喜欢恐怖?
- So why are we talking about the backswing? 那么,我们为什么要讨论后摆动作呢?
- Mrs. Cho: Why are we speaking in English? 仇太太:我们为什么用英语交谈?
- Why are we Using async in our Examples? 在例子中我们为什么使用异步?
- Seventeen, eighteen - why are we waiting? 十七,十八-我们为什么要等?
- Then why are we sitting in the grandstand? 那我们为什么要坐在正面看台呢?
- Why are we calling out into the endlessness? 为什么我们要求到无穷 ?
- Why are we brought here to answer such nonsense as this? 为什么要我们到这里来回答这样莫名其妙的问题?
- Why are we,the people of all circles in Yenan,meeting here today? 我们延安的各界人民今天在这里开会,为了什么呢?
- Second,why are we now stressing that assessments must be balanced? 第二点,为什么我们这次要强调恰如其分?
- Paul:Why are we here? We're not exactly hip and trendy. 保罗:那我们为什么在这里?我们又称不上时尚名流。
- Westerner: Why are we drinking this hand washing water? 西方人:我们为什么要喝洗手水啊?
- Why are we here, or, why are we so long in the process? 人类为甚么要存在?为甚么进化的过程是这样长久?